Harnessing the natural energy of the sun as the primary power source for our beneficiation process, SO4 aims to set new sustainable benchmarks for Australian industry and demonstrate how resources projects can be de-carbonised economically.
Reducing Carbon Emissions
Agriculture is an emissions intensive sector, responsible more than 10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, with synthetic fertilisers a key component of that figure. In Australia, agriculture accounts for 13 per cent of national emissions, including three per cent driven by fertiliser use. Australian agriculture emissions are forecast to increase by 50 per cent by 2030 as farm production returns to normal seasonal output
Aligned with, and fully supported by, our owners 7GI SO4 is investigating the potential to improve project economics and increase renewable energy penetration with on-site solar power, wind power and other sustainable initiatives.
As part of SO4’s “Green Debt” certification Wood Canada Limited Consultants conducted a technical assessment of Green House Gas emissions of SOP production at Lake Way, relative to Mannheim SOP production in other locations. The assessment concluded that a Mannheim process plant of comparable capacity would have 60% higher CO2 emissions than the Lake Way project. The ‘Green’ loan label is as set out by the LMA and APLMA green loan principles. The eligibility was assessed by DNV GL.