Lake Way

Lake Way will be SO4's first producing asset. Once ramped up the project will produce 245kt per annum of premium SOP.


Lake Way is located in the Goldfields region of Western Australia, 15km south of Wiluna, with access to well developed infrastructure thanks to the long established history of gold and nickel mining in the region. The Goldfields Highway passes less than 1km from the Process Plant and 5km from the Lake while the Goldfields Gas Pipeline is adjacent to SO4’s tenements, running along the eastern side of the Lake.

On lake production process

To produce SOP at Lake Way, potassium rich brine is first extracted from two sources on the lake; an extensive surface trench network which draws brine from the lake playa, and a series of boreholes that pump brine from the paleochannel basal sands.

The brine is then pumped into more than 1132 hectares of solar evaporation ponds where Sodium Chloride is first precipitated out, followed by potassium rich Kainite and Carnalite salts in the downstream Harvest Cells.

Solar evaporation ponds

These salts are then harvested and transported a short distance to Process Plant.

Off lake production process

Simple proven flowsheet using conventional process steps

Process Plant

Process Plant to be re-commissioned in H2 2023