The Shire of Wiluna has a population of 706, of which 30.5% are indigenous.
In 2019, SO4 participated in three Community Expos to promote our employment
and training programs for regionally based community members. In 2020,
Aboriginal people represented 21% of the SO4 workforce across a broad
spectrum of roles, with 14 Aboriginal people engaged from the local Wiluna region.
SO4 is committed to providing Aboriginal contractors and businesses, in particular
Wiluna businesses with opportunities to participate in our supply chain. In 2020,
we engaged an Aboriginal business development consultant to identify potential
Wiluna based Aboriginal businesses and accompanying development strategies.
SO4’s Solid Opportunity Pathways (SOP) Program is a holistic career development
pathway that aims to maximise engagement and retention of local Aboriginal
people. The program is tailored to ensure that participants meet the minimum entry
level requirements of identified employment opportunities and have an opportunity
to develop a long-term career pathway with SO4.